Coming down the mountain, we ran into this big storm. It really didnt start dumping on us until we were 1/4 mile to the truck.

This is Dean Molen on the summit. He is 69 years old and is a retired dentist. I connected with him over a year ago. We exchanged emails over the year.....mostly me picking his brain on mountains, nutrition, gear, etc.

Here is my self-summit shot. Dean is talking to his wife in the background.

Dean making a push for the summit.

This is Bull Mountain, UT to the west.

It was a fun mountain to climb. I felt like I had my nutrition under control. Iwent with a mixture of 2/3 water and 1/3 Gatorade. I snacked on Clif Bars, Swedish Fish and almonds. usually on these climbs, I experience bouts of nausea. I am not very good at taking breaks. On this day, we took a few 5 minute breaks. I got some food down the chute and guess what?.......nausea went away.
That would be 1/3 Gatorade and 2/3 water